Corporate profile

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Corporate profile

Company name BUN BUN CO., LTD
Establishment September, 1987
Representation Representative director president Mitsunobu Ikeda
The number of employees Full-time employee:7persons / Part-timer:2 persons
Capital 10 million yen
Head office 1-49-2, Arakawa,Arakawa-ku,Tokyo Japan
TEL +81-3-3807-8122
FAX +81-3-3807-8125
Warehouse Tokyo Gangukugyoukumiai 3-4-1 Tajiri,Ichikawa-city,Chiba Prefecture 272-0014 Japan
Business activity a baby toy, a boy character toy, a girl character toy, a trading card, a candy toy, capsule (clatteringly) figure dool, variety miscellaneous goods, an amusement premium, and special price goods -- the wholesale business of these goods


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